...where magic is real and girls who want to become published authors dreams come true, comes a gripping tale of determination, of heartache and of triumph and hope. Follow Cat as she juggles the responsibilities of her day job with her deepest desire to create worlds in word-form and share them with the world.

Or something like that.
Hi, I'm Cat. My debut publication, JEWELS OF CLAY, a spicy paranormal romance, will be out on January 23, 2023. in Kindle Unlimited and Amazon. In preparation I've launched my site *YOU ARE HERE* and am working hard to bring you the very best book I can.
I plan to use this blogspace to share how things are going, give you publication updates, share various stuff and things about me and my work. You just never know what you will find here. I like it to mix it up.
As I'm down to less than a month until publication, I thought I'd share these updates with my potential readers. A "Where Are We Now On the Road to Publication" check in. THE ROAD SO FAR, if you will. (If you caught that Supernatural reference, we are already friends.)
I'm just finishing the line edits (thanks to the amazing Roxana at https://proofreadebooks.com/ (AUTHORS: check her out. She did great work for me.) My cover is in it's final editing stage. I should be revealing it in the next few days. Lastly, I'm working on setting up my Book Funnel for ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies). Please check out my socials in a few days for information on how to become one of my valued ARC readers.
That's it for now. Thanks for stopping by. I'm thrilled to share my work with you in the very near future.